GAP Insurance

GAP Insurance

Cash to help you through serious illness or injury.

This is not a replacement for health insurance or a Medicare Supplement (Medigap) insurance policy.

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GAP Insurance

How does GAP insurance work

Extend your healthcare coverage

Cash benefit to offset your out-of-pocket costs for eligible expenses

Cover your deductible costs

Lump-sum cash benefits for accidents and serious illnesses that can help pay a medical plan's high deductible

Protect your income

Payments go right to you. Use the money for whatever you need, like mortgage payments, credit card payments, car payments, day care, or business costs

GAP Insurance

GAP insurance can include

Critical illness insurance

Pays a lump sum if you're diagnosed with a specified critical illness, such as: life-threatening cancer, heart attack, kidney failure, stroke, coma

Accident medical insurance

After the deductible, benefits may cover medical expenses resulting from any covered accident.

Accidental Death & Dismemberment

Pays a lump sum for death or certain injuries from a covered accident.


GAP insurance plans are not a replacement for health insurance.

GAP insurance plans are not qualified health plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”) and do not meet the coverage and benefit requirements of the ACA. You cannot receive a subsidy (premium tax credit and/or cost-sharing reduction) under the ACA in connection with your purchase of GAP insurance and may still owe the tax penalty (the individual shared responsibility payment) under the ACA. Some people may qualify for exemptions from the ACA tax penalty. GAP insurance does not provide the minimum essential coverage of the ACA (benefits such as mental healthcare, pregnancy and childbirth, preventive care, etc.) and may not cover pre-existing conditions (health and other conditions that exist at the time of application).

For ACA health insurance benefits, buy a qualified health plan under the ACA. Further information about the ACA and its implications can be found in our Affordable Care Act Resource Center.

See the official plan documentation on the plan details page for benefits, limitations, exclusions, and other terms that apply to each specific plan.


Some health care services paid for by Medicare may also trigger the payment of benefits from this policy.

This insurance provides limited benefits if you meet the conditions listed in the policy. It does not pay your Medicare deductibles or coinsurance and is not a substitute for Medicare Supplement insurance.