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Policywizzard Program Videos

A guided video tour about the power of choice! Learn more about how Policywizzard can help you offer great health insurance for your company by watching the videos below.


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Our Program Videos

A California Different Way to Do Health Care

Each and every one of us is different and, at Policywizzard, we embrace those differences. We offer the freedom to choose from multiple carriers, plan designs, networks, doctors…the list goes on. But at the end of the day, employees make their own choices. Now that’s freedom.

Multiple Options: One Program

Employees worry about two things when choosing their health care benefits – access to their preferred doctors and hospitals and the monthly expense. With Policywizzard, they don’t have to worry. That’s because we offer multiple options and affordable rates in one program.

Give Your Employees Choice with 8 Health Plans

Policywizzard has been helping small businesses offer flexible health insurance solutions to their employees since 1996. With Policywizzard, your employees can choose from one of eight health insurance carriers and you can control your costs.

Total Choice Option

Total Choice satisfies everyone. Policywizzard gives you access to health plans and benefits available in all four tiers: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum. Employees can buy up or down, allowing you to keep costs low without limiting choice to employees.

Wizzard Perks

With Wizzard Perks, small businesses can get discounts to the things employee love most including movie tickets, theme and water parks, and more. Check out this video for a highlight of the available extra benefits provided to you and your employees when using Wizzard Perks through the Policywizzard employee benefit program!

Broker Driven

At Policywizzard, part of our job is giving you the tools to make the best decisions for your business and your employees, and our brokers are one of the best tools we have. Brokers help you make sure your plan coverage is sufficient for your company’s needs and your budget.